2021/05/06 论文 共 1786 字,约 6 分钟 2017年论文
- TACL2017
- 论文题目:Cross-sentence n-ary relation extraction with graph LSTMs
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- EACL2017
- 论文题目:Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction beyond the SentenceBoundary
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- NAACL2018
- 论文题目:Simultaneously Self-Attending to All Mentions for Full-Abstract Biological Relation Extraction
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- ACL2019(数据集)
- 论文题目:DocRED:A large-scale document-level relation extraction dataset
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- ACL2019
- 论文题目:Inter-sentence Relation Extraction with Document-level Graph Convolutional Neural Network
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- EMNLP2019
- 论文题目:Connecting the Dots: Document-level Neural Relation Extraction with Edge-oriented Graphs
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- AAAI2019
- 论文题目:Neural relation extraction within and across sentence boundaries
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- ACL2020
- Reasoning with Latent Structure Refinement for Document-Level Relation Extraction
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- EMNLP2020
- 论文题目:Double Graph Based Reasoning for Document-level Relation Extraction
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- EMNLP2020
- 论文题目:Global-to-Local Neural Networks for Document-Level Relation Extraction
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- COLING2020
- 论文题目:Document-level Relation Extraction with Dual-tier Heterogeneous Graph
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- COLING2020
- 论文题目:Graph Enhanced Dual Attention Network for Document-Level Relation Extraction
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- COLING2020
- 论文题目:Global Context-enhanced Graph Convolutional Networks for Document-level Relation Extraction
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- PAKDD2020
- 论文题目:HIN: Hierarchical Inference Network for Document-Level Relation Extraction
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- 论文题目:Fine-tune Bert for Docred with two-step process
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- 论文题目:Entity and Evidence Guided Relation Extraction for DocRED
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- AAAI2021
- Document-Level Relation Extraction with Reconstruction code
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- AAAI2021
- 论文题目:Document-Level Relation Extraction with Adaptive Thresholding and Localized Context Pooling
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- AAAI2021
- 论文题目:Entity Structure Within and Throughout: Modeling Mention Dependencies for DocumentLevel Relation Extraction
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- AAAI2021
- 论文题目:Multi-view Inference for Relation Extraction with Uncertain Knowledge